Enjoy Cool Roofs With A Simple Painting Technique!

When it comes to choosing the most popular colour to use in houses, white comes out as the leading choice. White is a colour of purity and perfection and colour psychology says white is the colour of new beginnings and represents cleansing energy. It is the colour traditionally worn by brides in the western part of the world for purity and a white flag is universally known as a sign of truce. In some cultures, wearing white to bed helps to welcome pleasant dreams.

There are several different techniques that can be used to adjust room temperature and a small adjustment can make a huge difference. All of us have heard the theory that light colours reflect heat and dark colour absorbs the heat and this theory is particularly useful when painting your roof. We have already discussed about the facts of roof top painting in one of our previous post.
In warm countries, or areas that suffer from very hot summers, this can enable many people to save significantly on their cooling bills. It’s important to keep in mind that these benefits also depend on where we are living, the length of the summer period and the amount of the solar radiation to the roof.
As Sydney enjoys a sunny climate with more than 200 sunny days a year, this beautiful city can now enjoy cool roofs even in sunny days.
In warmer climates where people spend too much in energy keeping cool, they can now easily paint their roof with white paint. It has been proven that white coloured roofs reflect more heat than dark coloured roofs so making this change will help reduce energy consumption and therefore your energy bills.
White roofs on houses and buildings make them cooler in summer and help reduce long term costs. This small change is cost-effective, easily implemented, has lower impact on the power metre and it is environmentally friendly globally. So why not use this simple tactic to reduce the scorching heat of the sun. This is something which everyone should consider when thinking of repainting. At Premier Painting we would love to hear from you if you have felt the difference of having a white topped roof.